Does Vinchin Backup & Recovery support multithreaded data transmission?
Last Modified: 2021-04-06 09:14:07 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V6.0 V6.5
Questions Type: Features
KB Number: 100101
Does Vinchin Backup & Recovery support multithreaded data transmission?

The answer is YES.
On Vinchin Backup & Recovery, multithreaded transmission can be applied to both the VM backup and restore jobs to accelerate the processing speed of the backup and restore job sessions.
On Vinchin Backup & Recovery, 3 threads will be created for each of the backup and restore jobs. However, it is not the more threads you apply to a job the faster the processing speed will be. It depends on the overall system resources and network bandwidth can be allocated to each thread. For example, if 3 threads will gain access to all resources, adding the 4th thread will not improve the overall processing speed anymore.

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