We are looking for a solution that has no frills in oVirt backup. The moment we see its introduction, we decide to give it a try. Turns out we are very satisfied with the tests we performed. The software is very intuitive and simple to configure and manage, very easy for use, and its GUI is user-friendly, meeting our expectations.

Jorge Visentini, IT Infrastructure Analyst
Kosmo Cloud Computing

Business Challenge
Kosmo Cloud Computing offers transition, colocation, and management services of SAP HANA using its cloud infrastructure as a service platform that saves complicated ROI calculations and operational costs. To accomplish the goal of being truly a part of the customer team and delivering the best solutions for them, the company sets multiple data centers and has local support to respond to customer demands in time.
The cloud service provider has 2 data centers in Miami and Boca Raton respectively running 13 oVirt hypervisors with 4 physical processors in each for regulatory and operational simplicity. The data produced from data centers day by day is huge. And a data backup plan is essential for IT services. So, Kosmo Cloud Computing arms itself with one backup solution. The old solution is great but the backup speed slows down the whole process because it’s LAN-based. “The full backup usually takes several days and we have to monitor the job in case of failures,” said Jorge Visentini, IT Infrastructure Analyst at Kosmo Cloud Computing
Tardy backup is not the only question the solution shows. The failure of file backup working with SuSE SLES 12 and 15 is a great headache for the company. “The solution can do file backup of course. But it either squanders storage or fails sometimes. We have many SME customers who got a tremendous number of files and folders. It’s a matter of urgency,” noted Jorge.
The compatibility with numerous databases is another issue to deal with. Kosmo Cloud Computing has MySQL, Oracle, and other databases running in its infrastructure. “We need MySQL and Oracle backup for our Zabbix at that time. But the solution isn’t flexible enough. Simple features prove inadequate when it comes to database backup,” Jorge explained.
Vinchin Solution
For the efficient backup and management of 2 data centers, Vinchin Backup & Recovery delivers a multi-branch data backup solution that centrally manages and inter-transfer backups of different nodes. This guarantees the once-off backup workload for Kosmo IT team, and they can check these tasks in one console.
Kosmo Cloud Computing customizes the most suitable backup strategies for its data. Weekly full backup and daily CBT-enabled incremental backup over LAN-Free mode under the settable backup schedule. In this way, only the modified data will be backed up and the process won’t take up any bandwidth resources. “Backup data size is smaller and the speed is much faster. The weekend is more than enough to do the job. The most beautiful part is that we can leave it alone due to the mail alert,” said Jorge.
Vinchin Backup & Recovery enables full, incremental, and differential backups for file backup through data compression. It can also be configured as a hassle-free repeating task. The team should not worry about the limited storage for the data kept per day or the number of restore points, as those that surpass the specified amount will be automatically erased, leaving just the most recent data.
The solution supports the hot backup of Oracle and MySQL databases in both VMs and physical servers without influencing their operations. By compressing their sizes, the company downsizes nearly 70% of data. Jorge is quite satisfied with this feature and added, “We got various strategy options to configure and the solutions work great with Oracle and MySQL databases.”
Vinchin Backup & Recovery greatly enhances Kosmo Cloud Computing's backup performance with the use of the CBT technique, LAN-Free transfer, and customizable backup scheduling. Smart techniques are also supported for the backup of numerous databases and files. The business can now leverage these tactics and the multi-branch solution to perform a comprehensive and efficacious oVirt data protection plan.