I’m amazed how Vinchin Backup & Recovery runs smoothly and intelligently for OLVM. Since we are very detail-oriented and it has data reduction, backup acceleration, numerous disaster recovery strategies, and data archiving we list for the candidates, what more do we need? The software is top-tier.

ICT Director
Crnogorski Elektrodistributivni Sistem

Business Challenge
The long story of Crnogorski Elektrodistributivni Sistem (CEDIS) begins in 1910 when the first electrical power plant in Montenegro was put into operation, which, later became the basis of Elektroprivreda Crne Gore, one of the most important economic entities in the country. In 2009, the energy company broke away from the giant and operated electricity and network operator distribution, construction and maintenance of power facilities, and other activities ever since.
As one of the most significant electrical companies in Montenegro, CEDIS supplies power for over 390, 000 citizens and distributes electricity throughout the country. At every stage of national electrification, the company leaves an indelible imprint on its development. And when it comes to innovation and technology, CEDIS doesn’t lag behind the modern world. To reserve the mounting data from all kinds of production and distribution facilities, the power grid operator virtualized it on OLVM.
The previous OLVM solution is agent-based that has poor performance in quick backup and efficient recovery. “Agent backup seems to be a right choice back then, but over time, the maintenance fees and troubles are growing, while the backup performance is declining,” said the ICT Director at CEDIS.
The IT team looks for a new agentless solution that performs fast and easy VM backup with strategies to decrease data size, while it has another backup copy in a remote site for disaster recovery, which should also be abundant in selections. Data archive to cloud, in addition, is supposed to be one factor considered.
Vinchin Solution
Vinchin Backup & Recovery is an agentless backup solution that demands no agent installation. Besides, it involves less time and energy to back up with a bunch of strategies, such as SpeedKit (alternative to CBT)-enabled incremental backup, data deduplication and compression make good allies to reduce data size; SAN and multithreaded transmission modes bring backup speed to another level. When they work with backup schedules, as the ICT Director of the power generation company said, “Carefree backup experience is a flying start. The more features we tested, the stronger thought it is the one. This solution is second to none among several candidates we had in terms of backup speed.”
System downtime is as bad as a power outage for the operator. The extra backup copies and disaster recovery tactics with stability are necessary. Vinchin Backup & Recovery allows CEDIS to have another offsite backup copy in case of situations where primary backups are lost. Various recovery strategies are here for the company to choose from for the prevention of hardware failure, crashed systems, and other accidents. Instant recovery resumes a broken OLVM VM in seconds based on backups at any time point. And granular recovery saves resources and time when the company only needs to recover a single file.
Long-term data storage is the tradition of the company for the annual audit. The solution supports archiving data to the public cloud through the encrypted transmission to secure the path. The task can be set as a once-off job or archived as scheduled, which saves a lot less configuration hassle for the same job. And it keeps the data per the number of restore points to save valuable data. Once it exceeds the number, the earliest points will be deleted.
“I like Vinchin Backup & Recovery because it operates automatically when implemented initiative mind, and it offers fast backup, smart data archiving, and prompt recovery, which is crucial for many organizations that rely on this knowledge accumulated over time since its initialization,” the ICT Director at CEDIS noted.
Vinchin Backup & Recovery provides a comprehensive and effective OLVM data solution for CEDIS that integrates effortless backup, time-saving recovery, and self-managing data archiving with a variety of strategies such as SpeedKit, data reduction, SAN mode, encrypted transmission, and so on. “Everything is easy from setup to task configurations. It’s kind of set and forget it. Real one-stop software for all our backup and recovery needs,” said the ICT Director.